LALCEC postpones International Breast Cancer Day to encourage women to get their breasts checked for cancer

Brief Description

It is known that 70% of Argentinean women over 40 postpone mammogram appointments.


In 2022, to make a statement about women putting off their annual mammograms, NGO LALCEC (Argentine League for the Fight Against Cancer) postponed its International Breast Cancer Day campaign, originally scheduled for October 19th, to November 1st.


Thirty other CSOs joined LALCEC’s initiative. The Postponed Day campaign ran every day until November 1st across social media and 50 media outlets using the hashtag #Don’tPostponeYourself.

Why is it significant?

The project generated an increase of 300% in the rate of exams taken throughout the campaign period, alongside a 260% increase in news and PR coverage of International Breast Cancer Day compared to previous years.


The campaign reached 40.6 million users from organic growth and PR and influencer boosting and helped change how Argentinians view mammograms.