Movistar created a playlist that transforms Spotify lyrics into a company and safety tool for women when traveling alone in a taxi at night
Brief Description
Instead of having songs, this playlist contains audios that simulate live conversations with a partner, friend, family member, or colleague who will be watching them through the route.
Through the app’s lyrics, women can follow the conversation thread simply and safely in each of the audio pauses.
It was released only for women using very specific media, and Chilean women find it very helpful: it had more than 300,000 plays from 10 pm to 4 am.
Why is it significant?
Safelist emerges as a poignant example of technology stirring emotions and addressing public concerns.
It uses technology to enhance public safety by providing real-time information about potential dangers in specific areas.
This not only taps into the emotions of concern and care but also demonstrates how technology can be a powerful tool for the collective well-being of communities.